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Competition, Trophies, and Growth

Apr 19, 2021

May 1 is coming and I am so excited! Once again, I get to compete in a Toastmasters competition — the next level of the International Speech Contest!

Now, if you know me even a little bit, you know how excited I get about competing. And yes, I do love winning, too! But let me talk to you about what winning actually means to me.

See this picture?  


My arms are full of trophies, sure, and I loved earning them while practicing my passion. Yet, what they really represent to me is the work I have been putting in. I set a goal a handful of years ago, and I have been showing up every day to work on it. 

While one of my top strengths is Competition*, and it truly is fun to compete against other amazing speakers, what I’m really doing is competing with myself to be better and better every time I step up on the stage.

Still, each actual win — each trophy — represents another chance for people to hear my message. A new level of competition means often a new audience, and sometimes even people from previous audiences who may be in a different place and can receive my message in a new way. What I dream of most of all is a life of continuing to inspire and motivate people to live and love and push through, whether through pain or onward to their own dreams.

And I am so thankful for every single person on this journey with me. 

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